When to Water New Sod?

People often ask us, \”When should I water my newly installed sod?\” Once you have installed your new sod or it has been installed by our Blue Grass Sod Landscaping crew, it\’s time to water.  Typically begin watering within 30 minutues of installing.
Our sod farm nursery cuts the sod fresh on the day of delivery or installation, so you receive it when it\’s freshly cut.
The most basic need for survival for any plant is water.
To keep your new Kentucky BlueGrass sod beautiful and green, it is essential to water it immediately after installation, regardless of the time of day. This means turning on the sprinklers in the morning, noon, or evening as soon as the sod install is complete. For larger projects, you will need to water sections of the new grass as you work.
Avoid having sprinklers watering the bare topsoil in the areas you will still be working on. This is easily accomplished by changing the location or aim of the sprinklers. Otherwise, you will have a mud pie to work in!

Once the initial intense watering is complete, meaning it’s soaked through the root mat of the sod and at least 2 inches/ 5 cm into the topsoil under the sod.  Then you can begin your scheduled early morning watering.  

The biggest mistakes made when installing new sod are:

-Not installing the sod as soon after it arrives at your site as possible.
-Improper preparation of the site such as weeds or vegetation not removed.
-Not enough topsoil or improper preparation of topsoil.
-Lack of water or not watering soon enough.

Any and all of these will ruin the lawn immediately and in the long term.
Always remember that our sod is made up of living grass plants, that have been cared for and grown to maturity then harvested for transplanting. Like any plant that is transplanted, some extra care is needed to make sure it gets the best possible start in its new home.

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